New Release: Best Seller!


The Breakthrough

Take a trip with Tiara, a young African American woman, as she steers through life in one of the most dangerous cities in America. Facing mental, physical, and physiological abuse. Even worse, she contemplates her self-worth and life. Will she survive life under the sun?


Nyshea Johnson

A mother of three, Nyshea Johnson grew up in the urban area of Southeast Washington, D.C. With an undying passion for mental health and the need to help others, Nyshea felt compelled to tell her story, touching on some of the emotional, physical, and psychological trauma that she faced and witnessed growing up in D.C.
As a result, Nyshea aspires to help others find their voice and tell their stories. She strongly believes silence is not always the answer and can hurt others.
It was her very own silence that almost cost her everything, including her sanity.
She devotes her time to her children, God, and writing. Recognized as a well-versed author and poet, Nyshea continues to raise awareness of mental health.